Scrapbooking tip #9 is to create mini page kits. Creating these kits can help speed up your scrapbooking process. They are also something you can do when you have smaller chunks of time to dedicate to memory keeping.
So what is a mini page kit? A page kit is basically a grouping of supplies that you’ve pulled together to create a page. I shared how I organize my printed photos in scrapbooking tip # 5, you’ll find more info on that here. Creating mini page kits is a great next step.
Here’s my process…
- Pull out photos
- Find patterned papers and card stock to coordinate, or if you are doing pocket pages, you can add cards to the pockets.
- Pull out any coordinating embellishments that I may want to use
- Jot down journaling, title options and any other ideas
- Optional: find a sketch that will work with the photos (more on this tomorrow)
- Tuck everything back into the pocket page so that it’s ready to go when I have time to create.
Sometimes the process of finding the right supplies can take a lot of time and can lead to distraction. I don’t know how many times I’ve been looking through my supplies and think to myself why do I even still have this? Which then leads me to going through my supplies and purging or organizing them. Before you know it, the time you’ve set aside to scrapbook is over and you’ve accomplished nothing but making a mess. Please tell me I’m not the only one who does this?
Creating these mini page kits don’t have to take a lot of time and just because you create the kit doesn’t mean you HAVE to use it when you go to scrapbook those photos. BUT it can help. You’ll see in tomorrows post I share a layout that I created using a page kit I put together in 2007! How do I know it was put together in 2007? Because the patterned paper is dated 2007 and I don’t keep much retired paper unless it’s already in a page kit!
Todays Inspiration
Todays layout was inspired by the negative space from some tags that was sitting on my desk waiting to be recycled.
I decided to use the smaller label shapes as a stencil to create a fun background. I pulled out some scraps of in colour patterned paper I had sitting around and went with those colours. It turned out to be a fun subtle background. Something a little different from my plain white.
Have a creative day!

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