As a scrapbooker having a system for organizing your printed photos can help you be more productive. Today I thought I’d share how I organize my printed photos. Keep in mind that what works for one person, may not work for another. I think it really depends on how you scrapbook.
I thought it would be easier to show you what I do and explain my process along the way so I filmed a quick video.
In yesterday’s post I shared that this system allows me to easily jump around and scrapbook what I feel like scrapbooking. I am not a chronological scrapbooker but I do like my albums, and pages inside to be chronological.
For today’s layout, I documented some photos of my daughter and a couple of her friends who were getting ready to head out to a friends wedding. These photos were in my album waiting for when inspiration struck – thanks to how I organize my printed photos.
Deciding to do this scrapbooking tip series is really helping me get some pages done and I’m loving it. I’d love for you to join me! Share your pages with me in the comments section below or over on my Facebook page.
Have a creative day!

Wedding Bound Beauties Layout Supply List:
Additional supplies: die cutting machine
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