Quick post today – I’m just getting ready to head out to meet some friends for lunch and then have to come home and pack for stamp club tonight.
I’m a bit behind in my project life posts – so I thought I would share week 3 today. This week was an easy one because there were lots of photos from my San Antonio trip to choose from.
I included my name tag, a couple tickets and a little embellishment that was on one of the pillow presents from my upline.
While we were in San Antonio, they were filming the last episode of Extreme Makeover and we were lucky enough to catch some of it and to get a couple of really good photos of two of the designers – Michael Maloney and Paige Hemmis. It was interesting to see what goes into filming the show. The episode they were filming won’t air until next December so it’ll be a while before we’ll be able to see if we made it on TV.
Thanks for stopping by today!
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