Good morning! Has it really been over a week since I’ve posted! Last week just flew by. We’ve had so much going on and things are going to get busier – we finally have a possesion date for our house – May 6th. Needless to say there are many, many things to do before then. But you know what, it really doesn’t matter because at least we now know when it’s all going to happen. Everything else will get taken care of it time.
Anyway, I thought I would start a new weekly feature called MDS Monday. Each week I will share something created using MDS2. It could be anything but it will definitely have used MDS2 in some capacity.
Today’s project is a recipe page. I’m working on a recipe book that includes all our favorite recipes – it will be 8-1/2″x11″ and I plan on printing one for each of the kids so that they can take it with them when they move out. Not that I’m rushing that day but I figure if I start now it’ll be done when they leave:) I’ve got at the very least 4 years before Jordyn leaves, but knowing her, it will be a few more years than that:)
This is the most delicious Caramel Apple Cake recipe, shared by Tammy Boutin – thanks Tammy. She sent it to me in the fall sometime and I have made it at least a dozen times since then. It is delicious and super easy!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
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