Well what can I say about Convention? It was incredible. I’ve come home inspired and full of ideas for upcoming events and different things to implement into my business. I thought I’d share a few of my favorite photos from the event.
The first photo is just a snapshot of the display boards. There are always soooo many ideas from other demonstrators and staff from the home office. I make a point of taking photos of all the boards and then often come home and just zoom in to find my favorites. Otherwise it’s too hard to take in everything!
Convention attendees were lucky enough to be the first to receive a copy of the holiday catalogue. They had product displays showcasing many of the products from the catalogue – including this GORGEOUS Halloween wreath. So beautiful!
This is me, Danny and my Mom on our way into the convention centre for the Awards night.
I was lucky enough to have 5 team members attend Convention this year – from the left we have Ally, Sheila, Danny and my Mom. Patti was also there but she wasn’t in this photo. It was fun to share Convention with them.
There was this fun wall of flowers that you could use as a backdrop for photos so after the awards ceremony the three of us went to have our photo taken in front of it. It was so beautiful!
One of the highlights for me was that my upline, Winona Semler, and I both made top 20 in Canada which means we are both invited to the Founders Circle Retreat in St. George in September. What an honour! Not only did Winona make top 20 but she was also invited to join the Advisory Board – one of only 2 Canadians on the board this year! So happy for her. She deserves it!
Here’s a brief video recap of Convention that SU! put together. I’d love to have you join my team and attend Convention with me next year. Feel free to email me with any questions.
I want to end this post with a big THANK YOU to all of you who have helped me achieve all that I achieved this year. It’s because of you that I had such a great year! Thank you!!
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